Bethel Temple Cathedral
of Agape Christian Ministries
New Bedford, Massachusetts

You Are Cordially Invited
To Worship With Bethel Temple, "An Awesome Place.​"
Are you looking for a church that still cares about people? Do you want to attend a church that preaches and teaches the Bible as the inspired Word of God? Are you searching for a place where you can develop and use your ministry gifts in the service of God's Kingdom? Then I think you are looking for a church like Bethel Temple!
Bethel Temple is an non-denominational fellowship with the purpose of fulfilling the Great Commission. We are a New Testament Church who adheres to the Word of God as our guide in faith and practice.
"Bethel's Vision Statement"
To establish and equip a diverse multicultural ministry staff reflecting our community for the purpose of reaching the unchurched for Christ through high-tech communication, blended worship styles, practical Biblical teaching and wholesome fellowship at non-traditional times suitable to current lifestyles.